An impact assessment of commercial fuelwood plantation in Modhupur forest. English, 74 pages, 1994. Tk.150 / US$6 (only photocopy is available)

Funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and implemented by Bangladesh Forest Department  commercial fuelwood plantation in the Modhupur sal forest and in other sal forest areas has come under severe criticism because of its negative impacts on the local ecology and in places on the livelihood and habitation of the indigenous people. The largest group of indigenous people who face various difficulties due to fuelwood plantation are the Garos and Koch in Modhupur forest who have been living there from time immemorial.

This survey’s results are intended to provide data on what has been happening in Modhupur forest, due particularly to woodlot plantation under the ongoing ADB funded afforestation project. Another intended audience is ADB and concerned authorities so they can take appropriate measures to lessen the negative impacts of commercial fuelwood plantations.

Publication Details

Published: 1994
Language: English
Photocopy: 74 pages
Conducted By: Philip Gain, Shishir Moral, Canton Rozario
Price: Tk.150 / US$6

Postscript: The Asian Development Bank has reported ceased funding projects in the forest sector reportedly since 2005.